!!!Warning These Games Are Not For Kids!!! 18+ Only.
Version: | 0.6 |
Root needed: | NO |
Internet required: | YES |
Size: | 149 MB |
Price: | Free |
Support: | Android |
Categories: | Game 18+ |
Credits: ???
Game Description
Emma isn't a human... It's a humanoid robot prototype made by an unknown scientist and left alone on it's own at the city vicinities. She has very innocent nature and doesn't have idea that some of the people could try to hurt her or do something bad to her. She is like... A newborn baby inside an adult woman's body. Doesn't know a lot about her feelings, her body, her sexualism... She just needs to learn all of those from other people and their behaviours.FAQ - Read References First
If you get this error, you will need to grant storage permission and overlay permission for that app if you have Android 6 or higher. Try it!
or read tutorial
or read tutorial
6.0 or Later] Need enable Permissions. Go to Settings > Manage
Applications > Select App > Permissions > Grant Permission
2. Apps (Or Appmanagement).
3. Find Your Game.
4. Press It And Chosse.
5. Appear On Top (Or Allow Floating Windows) Permission.
6. Turn On Permission .
7. Enjoy MOD !!!
Downlaod game hentai kunjungin blog : zonahentaiku.blogspot.com
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